Quality policy
Servicio Satelital SA visualises the Quality Management System as a decisive tool in the organization of all processes involved in its operation. In this way, it commits to maintain a Quality Management System and a process of continuous improvement, imagining and implementing ways to anticipate and exceed the expectations of its customers. The Management of Administration and Finance of Satélite Service SA, assume leadership in the direction of the Quality Management System, committing all necessary resources to
You can download a copy of our Satellite Service Quality Policy in PDF format here:
Maintain and permanently improve a Quality Management System that complies with the ISO 9001 in its latest applicable version and with this Quality Policy.
Meet the requirements of relevant stakeholders within the context of the organization.
Ensure the satisfaction of our customers, achieving leadership in quality of products and services, and customer loyalty, providing a personalized and professional service.
Ensure the sustainable growth of the Company through diversification of supply.
Promote the increased participation, motivation and commitment of all staff to the objectives of the Company, implementing an internal communication policy and attention to the needs of staff at all levels.
Plan systematically, based on clear objectives, with tools to measure results and implement improvements.
Optimize response times to both daily and unforeseen situations, through a corporate culture always attentive to processes and full customer satisfaction.

The fulfilment of this policy and the objectives set to satisfy it, are developed as part of the expectations of economic growth, leadership and benefit of the clients.